jueves, 7 de abril de 2016

Economic activities

Positive behavior that keeps the state economy is the result of balanced impetus given by the state government to all sectors. Tlaxcala stood out as the fastest growing company in the primary activities include agriculture, animal breeding and exploitation, forestry, fishing and hunting, taking an advance of 46.7 percent over the same period last year. It was the third fastest growing industrial activities such as mining; generation, transmission and distribution of electricity, water and gas; construction, and manufacturing industries, with an increase of 15.2 percent annual rate. Activities related services, trade, transportation and warehousing; mass media information; real estate and rental furniture and intangible assets; Professional, scientific and technical; temporary accommodation and food preparation and drinks, grew at an annual rate of 3.4 percent. These results reflect the important work of promoting investment and creating a business environment conducive undertaken by the current administration and added to other positive data tlaxcalteca economy as growth of 21.4 percent in March Indicator Industrial activity in the entity; the creation of 2 000 572 formal jobs from January to June this year; and that the increase in the number of patterns registered in the social insurance, 8.7 percent at the end of 2014 relative to the end of 2010, is well above that recorded at the national level of 3.4 percent, which puts Tlaxcala as the third entity with greater business creation at national level in that period.

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